Shepherd Team


Pastor / Prayer Room

Caleb Amundson

Originally from the suburbs of Kansas City, I moved to Manhattan in 2012. I met Jesus in a radically personal way through a group of guys my first year of college. Before that, I had clung to moralism and the sense of security offered by religion (welcome to the Enneagram 1 club…). But when I had my first real experience of God’s truly unconditional love for me, I started participating with Him in my transformation and being set free in even the most hopeless area of my life. I have a passion for helping others discover their unique identity in Christ and walk in freedom.

Currently, I am learning to surround myself with opinions that challenge my preconceptions, am seeking to adopt a posture of surrender rather than processing, and am encountering God’s presence in beautiful new ways in the place of prayer.

Pastor / discipleship

Ana Sousa

I’m Ana and I’m Portuguese! I am a passionate follower of Jesus, who loves to see people joining God’s huge family and being shaped in the image and likeness of Jesus.

Even though I grew up in a Christian family and was always very involved with the church and Christian community, I never understood God’s love, His longing for a relationship, or how whole He wants to make all his sons and daughters. At the age of 33, I fell into a deep depression, anorexia, and two suicidal attempts. At that time, a couple of friends felt called by God to pray for me and started talking to me about the reality of God outside of religion, about who I was as a part of God so that I could understand how deeply in need of God I was. Soon I realized who I was apart from God… The Word became alive in me and in front of my eyes. I was taken by Jesus’ hand and into His heart; in my deepest brokenness, He made me see how much He loves me and how free I can be if I die to myself and let Jesus live through me. I decided to put all my heart into God. I started to put into practice everything I had learned from God and through His Word, no matter what the price was that needed to be paid. Soon I started to see how much I was being transformed at Jesus’s image and likeness!

Teaching / Finances

Lilly Schmitz

I grew up in the small town of Westmoreland, KS, not far from Manhattan. I went to a small church where early on I learned the value of service and the role of a church in a community. I was totally unaware, however, of what a personal relationship with Jesus meant. His love was a concept I applied outwardly but never inwardly. In college, I became involved in a community where I was able to form deep relationships on a completely new level. Still, having become so accustomed to self-nullification, it was a challenge for me to find this intimacy in my relationship with God himself. Learning to trust Jesus’ deeply personal love for me is a process I am still undertaking. The more Jesus has revealed himself to me, the more his light has exposed the stark reality of who I am without him, and the more in awe of him I become.


Oversight Team


Abbie Troyanek

Abbie is a leader, pastor, and prophetic voice serving alongside the local and trans-local church for the past 20 years with a history in global missions and ministry. She currently leads the ReFraming the Prophetic team as an Akouo missionary  Abbie resides in Tulsa, OK with her husband, Kevin. They own a small business and homeschool their two children. 

Adam Chiarelli

Adam has served in ministry, both in the local church and the marketplace for the last 10 years. Currently, Adam is a pastor on the lead team and eldership of Navah Church KC, where he oversees family resourcing and the pastoral team, serving both leaders and those within the body. He is also involved in the prayer movement in Kansas City and 24-7 Prayer USA. He is married to the love of his life, Febe, and they have 3 stunning daughters (who constantly keep him on his toes!).

Brian Augenstein

Brian is a trained Enneagram Coach, team coach, worship leader, spiritual mentor, and father to many. For the past twenty years, Brian has helped lead youth group, house church and a young adult community, while also teaching high school math and music. He now travels and ministers with Akouo Missions, serving the 24-7 Prayer communities in several states and nations and is the Worship Community Pastor at Believers Church in Tulsa, OK.

Collette Awalt

Collette has been married to her high school sweetheart for 37 years and is the mom of 4 adult children and 6 grandkids. She has been in house church leadership for over 15 years and is a founding member of Olive Tree Mediation, offering trauma-informed conflict resolution services to individuals and groups. She also serves with The Shepherds Collective, a group providing soul care, consulting, and debriefing to Christian leaders.

Katie Egli